Completion of the first stage of the Bacteromic project


Management Board of Scope Fluidics S.A. (the “Company”) would like to announce that the first stage of R&D works on the Bacteromic system has been completed, in line with the schedule provided in Company’s Information Statement of 24 July 2017.

Completed stage: “Development of device prototype, panel, and pilot panel filling and sealing line designs”.

During this stage, we have developed the designs of the key elements of the Bacteromic system. We have also created a prototype of an F&S (Filling and Sealing) line for production of prototypical panels which will be used in the validation of a prototypical system. Moreover, we have identified solutions invented by the Bacteromic team which could be submitted to be patented. In addition, we have developed an intellectual property protection plan for the project.