The Management Board of Scope Fluidics S.A. (the “Company”) would like to announce that the second stage of R&D works on the Bacteromic system has been completed, in line with the schedule provided in the Company’s Information Statement of 24 July 2017.
Completed stage: “Launching a prototype and pilot F&S line”.
Scope of the stage:
– development of a prototype of a Bacteromic analyzer for comprehensive antibiogram determination,
– development of a prototype of a device for filling disposable test panels; the device performs a fully-automated procedure of filling incubation microchambers with a sample (bacteria suspension) and partition of microchambers with oil,
– development of prototypes of panels containing 128 and 640 incubation sections; moldings for the panels were produced ahead of the schedule (with the use of high-pressure injection molding – the target production method),
– development of a panel production method; the method includes all the stages, from manufacture of components, through application of reagents, sealing, sterilization, and quality assessment,
– development of automatic methods of bacteria growth detection, comparison of the growth rate between segments containing various amounts of antibiotics and determination of minimum inhibitory concentrations,
– limited number of system tests for determination of minimum inhibitory concentration levels (MIC); the results prove functional readiness of the system to conduct tests on antibiotic sensitivity,
– completion of works on two patent applications which protect the construction of disposable test panels; patent applications have been submitted to the Polish Patent Office.