Obtaining international patent protection for the inventions “Microfluidic Chip and Incubation Segment”.

Obtaining international patent protection for the invention “Method for rapid detection of bacterial growth”

Flaga Uni Europejskiej

The project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON 2020
research and innovation funding programme under Agreement No 881101.


Learn about our system

BacterOMIC is a diagnostic system designed to address one of the most important challenges in modern medicine – multidrug resistance.

BacterOMIC consists of an Analyzer, Filling Device, and Panels for drug susceptibility assessment. As an automated system, it significantly simplifies and shortens laboratory procedures used in the evaluation of drug susceptibility of microorganisms.

The system allows phenotypic evaluation of the efficacy of 25 antibiotics used to treat respiratory, blood, urinary tract, or skin infections, among others.

Owing to the determination and expertise of a team of biotechnologists, engineers and software developers, and an innovative approach to the problem of modern diagnostics, a device has been created with considerable market potential and offering to revolutionize antibiotic treatment.

The Bacteromic system has the CE IVD marking enabling marketing authorization in the European Union.
ISO 13485

Bacteromic Sp. z o. o. has a certificate of compliance of the quality management system with the ISO 13485:2016-04 standard (Medical devices – Quality management systems – Requirements for legal purposes) granted by CeCert Sp. z o. o.


The BacterOMIC system has been developed by the Scope Fluidics Group, which develops innovative medical diagnostic devices as part of its special purpose vehicle Bacteromic sp. z o.o.

Meet the Management Board of Bacteromic sp. z o.o.

piotr garstecki

Co-founder of Scope Fluidics. Chemistry professor and manager. He conducted scientific and technical projects in Poland and the United States, specializing in soft matter physics and microfluidic techniques. Passionate about the development of the organization and building value by creating technologies that solve important problems in health care.
Piotr Garstecki
President of the Management Board

piotr garstecki

Co-founder of Scope Fluidics. Manager. He gained experience in technology companies, research institutes and pharmaceutical companies. In his professional work, he coordinated a number of implementation processes. An enthusiast of risk management and solving difficult problems. At Scope Fluidics, he is responsible for clinical trials, intellectual property, production and registration processes.
Marcin Izydorzak
Member of the Board

piotr garstecki

A manager with many years of experience in managing capital groups, implementing M&A transactions and cooperation with the capital market, including raising capital from international institutions. At Scope Fluidics, he is responsible for the financial department, M&A transactions and investor relations.
Szymon Ruta
Member of the Board


A unique diagnostic solution

For doctors and patients

  • Logo Bacteromic
    Ensuring that clinicians have access to complete, i.e., practical, information on antibiotic susceptibility of pathogenic bacteria
  • Logo Bacteromic
    Accelerating access to precision antibiotic therapy
  • Logo Bacteromic
    Minimizing the risk of complications in treatment of bacterial infections
  • Logo Bacteromic
    Minimizing hospitalization time and treatment costs


  • Logo Bacteromic
    640 incubation chambers per Panel
  • Logo Bacteromic
    One panel for Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria to simplify work and reduce confusion
  • Logo Bacteromic
    Analyzer’s capacity suitable for medium and large laboratories
  • Logo Bacteromic
    System equipped with simple interface software and expert system to interpret results according to current EUCAST recommendations
  • Logo Bacteromic
    Easy-to-use (manual procedure limited to pipetting the inoculum and closing Panel)
  • Logo Bacteromic
    Fully compatible with working standards in microbiology
  • Logo Bacteromic
    Automated to simplify the process and minimize errors

Procedure for Use

Tests carried out in specialist diagnostic centres have confirmed the functionality of the BacterOMIC system in effectively identifying drug susceptibility of bacteria causing a range of infections. As emphasized by doctors and experts at the World Health Organisation (WHO), antibiotic resistance is one of the most serious problems in modern medicine.


Procedure for Use

bacterial strain

bacterial suspension

Transfer of suspension
to cartridge

Closure of cap

Placement of cartridges
in rack

Placement of
rack in
automatic filling unit

Single filling of up
to 10 cartridges


Transfer of filled
cartridges to Analyzer

Fully automated analysis
of up to 60 samples


BacterOMIC Analyzer

WIDTH 82,8 cm
HEIGHT 87,5 cm
DEPTH 59,5 cm
WEIGHT 79,5 kg

BacterOMIC Filling Device

WIDTH 32 cm
DEPTH60 cm

BacterOMIC Diagnostic Panel


Effective antibiotic therapies

The BacterOMIC system enables single identification of the efficacy of a range of 31 antibiotics used in treatment of infections of the respiratory system, blood, urinary tract, or skin, among others. It is a rapid and accurate assessment of drug susceptibility of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria in a single diagnostic panel.


BacterOMIC Panel UNI


Laboratoria mikrobiologiczne


Laboratoria centralne





640 independent bacterial cultures in each single test

640 independent bacterial cultures in each single test

BacterOMIC is the world’s unique solution with the ultimate goal of being able to test as many as 640 bacterial culture conditions in a single test. This will translate into the capacity to compose a single test for the vast majority of clinically used antibiotics.

bacteromic technology

Unique combination of technologies used in the BacterOMIC system provides for a variety of potential applications


Unique combination of technologies used in the BacterOMIC system provides for a variety of potential applications


Did you know…?

  • Logo Bacteromic
    The WHO has announced that antimicrobial resistance is one of the top 10 global public health threats facing humanity
  • Logo Bacteromic
    According to the latest data, the number of deaths related to antibiotic resistance in bacteria in 2019 was estimated at 4.95 million
  • Logo Bacteromic
    According to OECD data, antimicrobial resistance results in more than 700 million additional hospitalization days per year
  • Logo Bacteromic
    One of the main factors contributing to the development of antibiotic resistance is inappropriate selection and overuse of antibiotics

BacterOMIC project development timeline


Development of the BacterOMIC project over time

Scope Fluidics logo

Bacteromic is part of the
Scope Fluidics Group

We are developing the BacterOMIC project with a team of nearly 50 people working in a variety of specializations

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